Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Cows, Prime Ministers and more

This has been a blog that I have been waiting to write. The truth is, after work (when I have been looking at a computer screen for 10+ hours…) I really don’t want to look at a computer or deal with inputting anything. So now I am going to try and write what has been going on since my last entry… (Also note, that I am typing this while watching the political commercials that are on…. more on that later…)


I am really enjoying work. Everyday I am getting more and more comfortable in my role. Currently I am the database manager. Meaning that I do a lot of data clean up and entry. It sounds mundane, but the truth is, its pretty far from that. I am working in a great office with great people, so that is definitely a bonus. Not to many people can say that. Its funny, herein Israel very few people actually work in their profession- and im not one of them. However, I am enjoying what I am doing and really gaining valuable experience.


Today the whole country is going to vote. I’ve already chosen my party and I plan to vote for a strong party that I really believe in. I was even interviewed for the newspaper however, I was cut. Oh well. So today I go and cast my vote for chaos. It should be an interesting day (and all I keep thinking about is the voting scene from “Salah Shabati”) We’ll see how it turns out. The whole country is off today and after I vote, I have even decided to go to work (dork) Last night we had a pre –election bbq – we officially opening the season of the grilled meat. Mmmmm. I made killer burgers if I do say so myself ϑ Ok, elections. So it should be interesting. As of this moment, im voting likud. Its funny some of my friends that’s too much to the LEFT (I kid you not) and some too much to the RIGHT (or just insane as Alex thinks…check out his blog link. we have two very different opinions yet manage to co-exist, impressive : ) )

Mooo Cows:

I spent the weekend at the conservative kibbutz up in the galil. Its pretty sad that the kibbutz is failing, however it was nice to get out of the city., On our way we stopped at a great market where I bought some great pants and skirts – good times. The kibbutz had a refet – cow shed. I got to see the cows being milked (too cool) pet a 2-day-old calf and a big cow licked my hand – which was kind of scary. I’ve decided that cows are scary. They are big, big and their moo’s aren’t as cute and cuddly as we think. It was sooo cool. It was like watching Mr. Dress-up or Mr. Roger’s.


Things are good. I’m happy. So when are you coming to visit?

Ok, I gotta go cast my ballot. I’m no longer vote for a prime minister, im voting for a coalition More on that later. Have a fantastic day AND LEAVE A COMMENT.

Rach, I don’t know what I am having for dinner tonight, sorry.

Sorry I kinda missed out on a lot, I know its late in the day, but I’m tired :)

Dwarf of the Day: Happy


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