Saturday, January 07, 2006

Dog Food, Chanukah lights and a new chapter.

Well, I am trying to keep this a bit more updated.

That being said, less than a month between posts is pretty impressive.

The past few weeks I have been off from Yeshiva on a Chanukah break. During that time I've been interviewing for jobs, looking for a job, babysitting, looking for a room mate and help celebrate a friends wedding. It's been a busy 2 weeks.

Now, dog food. More so, pet food. For those of you that have been here (Israel) recently, you would have noticed more security and different types of security. The lates recruit for bus security is our K-9 friends. Now Yenta, the family dog in Toronto, would not make it as one of these dogs. These dogs are super trained to snif out what we DON'T want around - bombs. I recently was at a stop light and beside me was one of these 4 legged friends and their handler. I noticed that, like their human counterparts, wear vests. On the doggies vest it says two things. 1) Bitachon (security) and 2) PURINA (with the logo) I was kinda impressed to see the pet food company name and logo adorning the vests of our helpful friends. I think I might pay more attention to the cat food I buy...

Chanukah. It was great here. Nice lights, good friends and a wedding. I really don't have much to say other than my neighbourhood is a tourist hot bed during this time. Everyone feels the need to come to our little area, take pictures and make a hell of a lot of noise. Proudly, I think even my chanukah was photographed. Ah, I'm special (and now a tourist attraction)

A new chapter.

It's time to leave the yeshiva. Its been a great relationship. I've really enjoyed learning full-time and getting to sit at the feet of scholars, but it's time to move on. Don't get me wrong, learning Torah daily was great - but it's not a life path for me (more so, that many hours a day.) Also, spending all my time within that environment just isnt ideal. I need to not be surrounded by "visitor's to Israel." I need to be with people that LIVE here and share the same things that I do. I am not saying that those that come here for a year (or two) and I have nothing in common - we do. It's that this is my home and I need to be able to grow where I live with people that will be around me in the years to come. It's a hard thing. I think that this year at the yeshiva I really pulled away from the community, but it was something I had to do for me. I'm sure I missed out on a ton of great friendships, but I really had to focus on the friends that I have here in my community....

So what's next? Ulpan. Work and more. I might have to get a job in a call centre working nights - but I know that this is not my future, just my present. One thing at a time. I need to make sure I have money in the bank . I want to be able to pay my rent, my bills and just enjoy living here. Sometimes, thing that I just cannot manage. It'sbeen hard, but it's time to move on. I have an interview coming up this week, but who knows. I'm not have any luck. I know that what is right will open up - but Im beginning to become impatient...

A few Mazal tov's

Eynat and Shoni Cooper for (finally) getting married
Michelle Gur Areyeh and Adam Shain for (finally ;) ) getting engaged.
Yanki and Sarah Greenspan on the birth of their son (right now, known as Baby Boy Greenspan)
Gogie - you made Aliyah. Welcome to the club :) Glad to have you around.

that's about it right now. Leave a comment, let me know you are actually reading this.

Shavoa tov,


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