Monday, October 03, 2005

Ok. Ok. I suck with this.

Ok Ok.

So, at the bottom of my email it says to check out my blog, yet how can it be worth checking if I NEVER add to it..

So here I am trying to begin to update it on a psudo semi regular basis.

here is a mass post that I sent out that really sums up everything...

Greetings from the Holy Land,

This has been typed quickly and without a good “read-over” so I apologize in advance for spelling and grammar errors in advance…

I actually have a few seconds to sit down and write an email, so I wanted to take this opportunity to reconnect. I realize that I have been really bad about emailing – but I hope that this is all going to change… For those of you that I have not spoken with in a long time, many things have changed!

This year has been a hectic year. Major life changes, major events in history and new challenges.

This past December I decided to make living here a permanent thing and declared aliyah. After countless instances of lines that were just too long I am finally an Israeli citizen. It’s really nice to be living here as part of the society and not as a visitor.

I moved from the ghetto where I was living (not kidding, it WAS the ghetto) to Nachlaot (the bohemian area of Jerusalem) where the streets are narrow, the buildings are old and filled with personality (and 5 min to the shook!) It’s been great. I have a great roommate and we are having a good time. The apartment came with nothing, so now I own all sorts of things (a fridge, a bed, pots and pans… guess I am growing up…the horrors!) We’ve really made it a home and it’s great. I even have a great landlord (which for those of you that have lived here before know that it’s a hard thing to find…) I have a lot of friends that live in the neighborhood so there is always somewhere to go and something to do, its nice very special environment. I also have a nice core group of “Israeli” friends, family that lives here and that is always important! (And an adoptive family that have been wonderful)

For the next few months, I will be continuing my studies at the Conservative Yeshiva here in Jerusalem. I am now a third year student and there is a really nice hevra (community) here. After that, I will be beginning my ulpan (intensive Hebrew studies) for 5 months (so I can really get myself into Israeli society) and hopefully working. (Need a job for January, any leads?) So I am looking forward to that (well, in a luke-warm kind of way) Also, I have just started a new internship. I am interning for JESNA (Jewish Educational Service of North America) for their Israel graduate seminar, so that’s a good thing. We’ll see where that leads me…

Well, that’s about it. I am looking forward to Rosh Hashana. I will be at different homes for all the means (both Students and “living here permanently” places)
I want to wish you and your family a shana tova u’metukah. I hope that this year brings much love, happiness and health to you and your families. I hope that you are all inscribed in the book of life and health.

I also wish you all a sincere apology for anything that I may have done to harm you in anyway (I know that this is done in a mass email. but…)

I hope that you visit soon!

Be in touch,



So thats it for now.. but I (Bli neder...) will attempt to work at posting more often....


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