Sunday, January 29, 2006

The Birds that say chirp chirp (or ha ziporim omrim chirp chirp)

Well today I went to ulpan. It’s taken me ages to finally get there- but I did it. Natuarlly, they tell met hat the level I “think” I am in is just wrong, so they send me on my way to a much higher level. (Truth is, the level I need doesn’t start until next week, so she wanted to keep me busy so sent me to dalet) So I walk into the room. First off, let me tell you that it is a dance studio with tables and chairs set up. Everyone is in there writing a test. Fortunately, I see my friend Gogie there. So I take the test, and sit down behind Gogie and start to write it. Before I begin to write, I notice that there is the really annoying sound. What is it? A new age cd with birds chirping. I kid you not, the thing just kept chirping and I kept planning the destruction of the CD player. If this keeps up, I might just have to break the CD. Not kidding. OK fine. So that’s annoying. However, I have homework that I need to do. Lots of it actually. It’s insane. However, what else do I really have to do?

So, Jobs.

I got a job. YAY. However, not ten minutes after I said yes did I get another phone call to set up an interview for something else that I had applied for. SO I am going to go that interview, what’s the worst that can happen? When it rains it pours my friends, and it looks like a storm is coming.


Yeah. Looking for another. I am going to need a psych eval for every applicant. Not kidding.

My Going away fund:

I have this container that I plan to fill with money. I want to go away. Its so friggen cheap to go to Europe. So I am now starting a fund. Fine, there is only 5 shecks + 5 USD in it now, I know its going to take months, but Id rather start it now so I know that there is a vacation in my future. Dream: to See the tragically hip in Amsterdam. Ok, so I am a dreamer, but they have a tour coming up and I think that I might just have to stalk them. Truth is, I have a friend that lives in Prague and another that lives in Amsterdam, so that means I have two places that I don’t need a hotel, so thy are first on my list as to where to visit. Surprised? I’m not. Feel free to contribute to it. No contribution to small! No contribution refused!

Other brain matter:

It’s cold. It’s raining. When will this all be over? When? When? Pancake Fridays still happen (if you’ve been at my apartment on a Friday you know what I am talking about.) I finally got a kick butt recipe (thanks dad!) and altered it a bit (sorry dad.) Oh, and the Palestinian election. Right. Ok, they elect a terrorist organization to represent them. I have problems with this. Naturally not just because their platform says that I (and everyone around me) should be wiped out. I have a serious issue with the world. The world likes to point fingers at us here in Israel. Well, I don’t see us electing a terrorist group. I see us wanting peace. I think the Palestinian people have told the world what they really want – and that is war, I’m excited. So stop your bleeding hearts and take a look at who is really the ones wanting peace – it’s not what your peace groups are telling you. We do. I really hope that the EU and the USA are firm in their policy about giving Hamas money. I hope t hat they don’t. For every cent that will be given to this government, it’s another nail and another explosive that is coming towards me. Sounds grotesque? It is. But it’s the reality that CNN and friends don’t tell you. Go ahead, disagree with me, but really, this was a vote that showed true colors. Those colors aren’t green, red and white; they are just the color of blood. Not impressed. Not at all. There is a reason why here the nightly news ends by wishing its viewers a “Quiet evening.” I really hope it stays quiet, but I’m not so optimistic.

We’ve got an election here too coming up. We’re not voting for war, we’re voting for peace. What a difference. Think anyone is going to pay attention to that??

Ok. I’ve rambled. You’ve read. Now, go comment.

Wishing you a quiet evening,



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