Sunday, June 10, 2007

Candles and Steak.

Hello land o’ blog.

Well it’s a work day here in Israel and everyone is working. Even the hippies have jobs now – crazy : )

This past weekend was our “free” weekend. That being said, I naturally left the wonderful land of Rechovot and came in to Jerusalem. It was packed all weekend with parties, dinners, brunch, movies and more. It was great to see a lot of my friends and attempt to get some sleep. I didn’t sleep as much as I wanted too, however, what I got was nice.

Things are going well. There is a little over 2 weeks left of my program – I cannot believe how things flew. However, there is still much to do during our time left. My students are really helping the community and its working out quite well. Where we are living is still in the middle of no-place, but it’s all good.

Hmm… I actually went to the kotel last night (which we all know I never do… too Disney for me) As 1) my boss asked me too, 2) my dad gave me all sorts of charity money that he specifically wanted me to dontate there (this way getting me to go…. As I never do… I’m such a Jerusalem-ite….) I also went out for diner with some friends so that was a lot of fun.

Oooh, and Friday I got to go to the shook! I love the shook, but I really love it on a Friday. I went twice, naturally. I explained to my butcher why he has not seen me all year (as I didn’t want him to think I had found another) and then bought some lovely meat to cook on the bbq. I also set a new record for Shabbat candles. Now, on Fridays (and Thursday nights as well) people hand out Shabbat candles around the city to women so that they can light them on Shabbat. I normally wear pants on these days to get the candles (as the candles sometimes come with fun cards, etc.) Normally, I get one. This week, I got 5! Heheheh. Let all of them think that they saved my soul. (And yes, I did light them… not all 5 packages, but still…) hehehehe. The things that I find fun… I need a life.

Nothing else really exciting. Just good to be here. I am looking forward to moving back into my apartment (and bed) and having a life again, but what will be, will be….

Otherwise I’m exausted and ready for a nap. Right, like I have time for that.

Wishing everyone well out in the world of blog.

Shavoa tov


Ps. Rachel- dinner will be steak, I am marinating it now.


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