Thursday, March 29, 2007


So, I love protexia.

That's right I do. I was able to get my non-Israeli-passport but it is an israeli passport renewed in less time that ever thought possible. It was called in yesterday (which you sooooo can't do) I arrived today and thanks to knowing a lot of people in the consulate, i didn't have to wait in line when they let everyone in at 9:30. I was out of the consulate by 9:33. Yup, renewed in 3 min. Take that Misrad Ha'Panim.

Today we had an event called "pudding for peace: pudding Darfur first." It was a pudding eating contest to raise awareness (and raise money for Doctors without Borders) about Darfur. It was a great event, and we raised over $200 for the cause. I also got chocolate pudding up my nose.

"So what did you do at work?"
"I participated in a chocolate pudding contest."

What a day :)


At 2:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

was that your idea nikki. what flavor pudding was it? i vote for chocolate.

At 8:23 AM, Blogger Nikki said...

It was chocolate. Nope, not my idea - one of my students.

It was yum-a-riffic.


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