Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I can't smell the garlic!

Today I ventured out of my apartment. It was a big step for me as I am still jet lagged. Normally by this point I have resumed normal life, however, I am not really sleeping that well…yet.

I decided that it was time to go to the shuk. I needed chicken to cook for the next few days and the shuk is the place I go. I noticed that with different seasons, the shuk has different smells. Right now, it’s garlic season. Piles and piles of fresh garlic line the stalls. Some braided, some tied in beautiful knots, others available for single purchase. Everyone is yelling and screaming to get you to purchase their garlic (Shoom in Hebrew) It looks like there is fear that Dracula and friends are going to start sucking blood out of every Jerusalemite unless they hang bunches of garlic in their homes. Last year (or I think it was last year?) I bought one and it came home with lots of little bugs, since then I refrain from mass amounts of garlic.

Otherwise, I seem to have developed a case of the sniffles, drips and sneezes. I am not sure if it is hay fever or just my body telling me it needs a break. Grrrr… thank goodness for the COSTCO size Nyqui….

Tomorrow I am actually planning on leaving the apartment for more than 30 min.. Meeting a friend for breakfast, have to go baby-sit someone’s plants (which also means raiding their movies…. Oh, and I have to clean their fridge….) and maybe, just maybe, go out tomorrow night. We’ll see…. Otherwise, I need to start Pessach cleaning and sell my chometz. Fun fun…. I know how to have a good time…

What’s up with everyone…. I know that I have some new blog readers (as facebook tells all) so welcome, hope you enjoy my rambles… it’s just like being in the fishbowl… just without the chaos….


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